Broken Justice (Fractured Minds Series Book 6) by Kate Allenton

Broken Justice (Fractured Minds Series Book 6) by Kate Allenton

Author:Kate Allenton [Allenton, Kate]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Coastal Escape Publishing
Published: 2020-04-05T22:00:00+00:00

Chapter 16

Asher knocked on the door to Morgan Fairfield’s apartment. A young woman with auburn hair, cut to frame her freckled face, answered the door.


Asher flashed his badge. “I’m Detective Rowan, and this is my associate, Dr. Lucy Bray. And you are?”

“Crystal Miller,” the twenty-something girl answered, crossing her arms over her chest. “What can I do for you?”

“We’d like to ask you some questions about Morgan.”

“Is she okay?” the roommate asked and dropped her arms to her side. “I told her if she had to hide who she was dating that the man was probably married.”

“May we come in?”

She stepped back and opened the door for us to enter.

The apartment was homey and decorated tastefully, even if done on a dime. The look was vintage chic, and it reminded me of my first apartment years ago.

Crystal gestured to the couch as she grabbed a blanket off a nearby chair and started to fold it. “Sorry, I wasn’t expecting company.”

“Have you heard from Morgan?” I asked.

“Not in a week, but that isn’t unusual. Is everything okay?”

“She hasn’t reported for work and we’re trying to find her. Why wouldn’t that be unusual not to hear from her?” Asher asked.

“She was dating a new guy, and they were serious. She spent a lot of time at his house.”

“You got a name for this new boyfriend?” Asher asked.

Crystal shook her head. “She wouldn’t tell me his name. She said she had to keep his identity secret. I assume the guy had a wife. I tried to talk her out of seeing him, but she wouldn’t listen.”

“And you’ve never seen him?” I asked.

“No, sorry. I wish I would have insisted on meeting him.” Crystal was pulling at the hem of her shirt.

“Did she have her cell phone and purse on her?”

“Yeah, I mean, you’re more than welcome to look in her room, but you won’t find much. She was hocking all of her stuff to pay for her brother’s appeal.”

“That had to have been hard to watch and even harder for her to have to do,” I said.

“She said her luck was changing. She actually believed Billy was getting out or something. She asked if Billy could sleep on the couch until he gets on his feet.”

“Why would she think that?” I asked.

Crystal shrugged. “I think her boyfriend had money.”

“Did she come home with expensive things?” Asher asked.

“Just a new phone. It was dedicated just for the boyfriend’s calls. She couldn’t use it for anything else.”

Asher and I exchanged a look. “She had a phone exclusively to talk to him? Any chance she left it here?”

“No, it’s not here. I looked for it.”

“I’m guessing you don’t have the number?” I asked.

“Actually, I do.” Her eyes lit up, and she hopped up from her seat and crossed the room. She dug into her purse and pulled out her phone and scrolled. “She called me from it one day because she forgot her personal phone at home and wanted me to bring it to her. She told me to delete the number, but I never did.


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